
AWS Made Easy

Video Tutorials

How to connect to AWS EC2 instance using SSH using PuTTY | AWS EC2

In this video , i show you how to SSH into your EC2 instance using PuTTY #AWS #EC2 #PuTTY.

How to host a static website on AWS S3 | Host your static website on AWS S3 in 5 minutes

In this hands-on tutorial, i demonstrate step by step on how to host a static website on AWS S3 in 5 minutes.

How to create AWS EC2 Instance | Step by Step Tutorial | AWS EC2

In this video , i walk you through the steps involved in creating an Amazon EC2 instance using AWS Management Console. #AWS ...

How to Install Terraform on Windows | Terraform tutorials

In this demo tutorial, i demonstrate step by step how to download and install Terraform on Windows machine. #Terraform ...

AWS CLI Tutorial | Learn to run AWS CLI commands in 10 minutes

In this video i give you a quick introduction to AWS Command Line Interface. I also show some hands on examples on how to use ...

How to create AWS RDS Instance & Connect from MySQL Workbench | connect to RDS from MySQL workbench

In this video , I show how to create an RDS instance and the connect to the RDS using MySQL workbench on your local. #RDS ...

How to create IAM User | AWS IAM Tutorials | IAM User Groups

In this video, i explain what is an IAM user and how to create IAM users and User Groups #IAM #aws #dataengineers #cloud.

How to Read Data from S3 using Python (Boto3) API | get_object method | Hands on Demo

Boto3 is AWS SDK for Python . It is very useful to write your AWS applications using Python. In this step by step tutorial , I explain ...

How to upload files to S3 using Python (Boto3) | AWS S3 Python API | upload_file method

Boto3 is AWS SDK for Python . It is very useful to write your AWS applications using Python. In this step by step tutorial , I explain ...

What is AWS Glue? | AWS Glue explained in 4 mins | Glue Catalog | Glue ETL

In this video , i explain basics of AWS Glue. I explain two important features of Glue : Data Catalog and Glue ETL . #aws #glue ...

